2024 SLT Leadership Opportunities:

A part of serving on State Lead Team is choosing a leadership service opportunity. You will select your top two choices from the following options on Tuesday of the Summit. View the list below for some examples of service opportunities from last year:

Super Summer TXBSM Missionary Volunteer Program

Term of Service: June 10 - July 5, 2024

Super Summer MVP is designed for college-age students who are, or might be, called to ministry. The program allows those who are passionate about equipping students with the gospel to join with the Super Summer staff and other volunteers from across Texas to prepare for and serve at the sessions of Super Summer.


Social Media/Admin Specialist - Texas Baptists African American Ministries

Term of Service: February 5 - August 5
Volunteer internship; Texas Baptists in Dallas, TX

We are seeking a skilled and motivated social media Content intern Manager to help with our African American Ministries Team. As a social media Content intern, you will be responsible for adding content and strategies for creating traffic to our IG and FB page. This intern would give maintenance of our ministries website through our communications department at Texas Baptists. The ideal candidate should possess excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and an understanding of content and social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, plus the ability to enter data and send mass emails.

For more information on the position and how to apply, email oza.jones[at]texasbaptists.org.

Bounce Summer Missions Internship

As a member of BOUNCE Collegiate Staff, you will travel as a part of the 4-person team to assist BOUNCE Coordinators in the implementation of BOUNCE missions throughout the summer. Length of service is approximately 8 weeks. Training and preparation will begin on May 30. Some 1-day training experiences may be required in the spring.

It is a paid internship, and all expenses are paid. Plus, you get a paid week off.

Available Positions:

  • Mission Administrative Specialist
  • Audio/Visual Specialist
  • Communication & Missions Specialist
  • Worship Leader

Find job descriptions and applications online: txb.org/BOUNCE

Interested in representing TXBSM at a camp or conference?

Host a table and share your experience in BSM with students and leaders from around the state at youth camps, Congreso, the WMU Annual Meeting, Conclave, and the Exalted Experience. Let us know that you are interested by filling out this form:

Go Now Missions

Use your leadership skills to serve as a 10-week or impact (2-4 weeks) missionary on one of these strategic projects.

For more Go Now opportunities, information, and requirements for each position go to www.gonowmissions.com/positions. Application Deadline for Summer, Impact, and Fall Semester Missions is January 31, 2024.
The required Discovery Weekend for Summer and Impact Missions is February 9-11, 2024.


College is the last time you will have a “summer break.” Why not use it to change the world? You will serve from 6-10 weeks during the summer.

Aloha Summer Interns

Service Dates: May 29 - August 5, 2024
Location: Kapolei, HI

Aloha! Connections Church is seeking summer interns interested in serving God in new and exciting ways on the island. We are looking for: worship band experience, working with children, help growing a youth group, youth camp assistance, door to door surveys, VBS opening assembly leaders, VBS workers, VBS music team, VBS recreation team, admin work, video creation and editing, online streaming help, miscellaneous ministry opportunities, and creative outreach events.

Andes Storying Team

Service Dates: May 28 - July 18, 2024
Location: Andes, Peru

There is a great spiritual need in the Andes mountains of Peru, and you can be used by the Father to help meet this need! Teams of 2-3 people will travel to indigenous villages in the Andes Mountains to assist in gospel work. Your team will work with a national partner in creative access projects, evangelism, and discipleship of new believers using Bible storying. Many of the people we are trying to reach with the gospel are oral learners, meaning they learn best using stories, drama, music, and in community. You will participate in a training in Richmond, VA at the beginning of your service and a debriefing at the end of the summer with other students serving in the Americas on Summer Sojourners teams.

Next GEN Student Leaders

Service Dates: May 28 - July 18, 2024
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico

Our team needs your help in hosting FIVE WEEKS of BACK-to-BACK student mission trips. After training in Richmond, VA, you and five other Summer Sojourners will fly to Guadalajara where you will meet the Next Gen team and explore our urban mission field of more than 7 million people. As part of our summer team, you will be responsible for managing and mentoring a new group of high-school students every week as they participate with you in the missionary task of evangelism. This job will require high energy and the heart of a teacher as you disciple young students in how to engage with university students in sharing the gospel. If you have ever worked somewhere like Disney or Fuge Camps, those experiences will serve you well on our team. As part of our team, you will be helping to raise up and call out the missionaries and church leaders of the next generation. You will end the summer in Richmond, VA debriefing.

Olympics University Internship

Service Dates: May 20 - August 1, 2024
Location: Paris, France

More than 10,500 athletes will gather from nearly every nation on Earth. As people from around the world gather to watch, God is giving us an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to people who otherwise may not have access to the gospel. The pre-Olympics timeframe will focus on reaching Parisians before they depart by working alongside French churches. Once the Olympics begin (on July 26th), the focus will be on reaching Olympic spectators, workers, and athletes. Student interns will be instrumental in helping with pre-Olympic outreach preparations, the day-to-day logistics of hosting other volunteer teams, the implementation of the various projects, and participation during the projects. Introduce people to Jesus! Ministry will include service projects at local churches, relationship evangelism, and service points at the official Olympics program.

Xtreme Team

Service Dates: May 20 - July 19, 2024
Location: Eastern Europe (Could travel to several countries)

Engage Eastern Europe, specifically cities that do not have IMB personnel or have no idea what the state of the mission task is there. You will be somewhat in charge of your schedule. The supervising missionary will provide you with cities to visit, training, and questions to answer about the cities. You will be instructed on how to get EURO Rail passes for travel, and given connections to book hostels to stay in. Before you depart on your travels, you will attend training in Budapest, where you will be trained in Entry, EV, Discipleship, and 4-1-1 by the IMB East Cluster leader. You will also train as a team to run in two lanes: Lane 1 would be harvest field evangelism while Lane 2 would be how to interview local church leadership on the state of their work in a positive way.


You can impact lives in just a matter of weeks! Impact Teams serve from 2-4 weeks throughout the summer.

Campus Connections

Service Dates: May 20-29, 2024
Location: Southeast Asia

Revelation 7:9-10 calls for peoples from every nation, tribe, people group, and language to worship God. In our city, all the unreached people groups of our country are represented among university students. Many will graduate to become influencing politicians, businessmen, policy makers, and provincial leaders. Come help us reach them by prayer walking major universities, looking for people of peace, and sharing the gospel alongside local believers to make deeper connections with university students. Our goal is to start two Bible study groups by the end of the year from the unreached that will multiply across universities in our country. Our end vision is to see multitudes of ALL Unreached Peoples in our country worshipping the Lamb! You can be part of this beginning.

Firelands Expedition

Service Dates: June 25, 2024 - July 9, 2024
Location: West Asia

After two years of intensive social media Gospel saturation in the Firelands, people from unreached regions are asking about Jesus. Your team will be involved in English conversation clubs in a beautiful seaside city of almost 4 million people. Young people see English as the key to future opportunity, and are eager to befriend native English speakers. Conversations about spiritual things are natural, and Jesus is honored in this culture. Your team will have the opportunity to go prayer walking in some places in the country where pioneering work needs to happen.

Zona Camp Crew

Service Dates: June 20-28, 2024
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Zona Camp, youth camp for Arizona Baptists is a life-changing week for teenagers of engagement of the Gospel, discipleship, leadership development and missions. Commit a week and a half of your time to be trained to share the Gospel and serve in this mission experience to teenagers from across Arizona. Many are lost and do not attend church. Zona Crew meets for training a few days before camp. We will pour into you, train you, and encourage you spiritually as you serve.

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Made possible by gifts through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program.