State Lead Team

TXBSM State Lead Team 2021-2022

The Lead Team

A specialized student group of local BSM & Church collegiate leaders committing to:

  • Pursue a deep dependence on Jesus Christ.
  • Exhibit leadership on the state level.
  • Grow to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Impact their local campus and ultimately the world.

What do I do on the Lead Team?

  • Grow to be a passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Cross-campus networking and collaboration of ideas.
  • Sharing the story of Collegiate Ministry and its influence in your life.
  • Influencing the direction of Collegiate Ministry statewide.
  • Demonstrate your leadership skills through one of our Lead Team opportunities.
  • Connecting high school seniors to BSM and Church Collegiate Ministries as they transition to college.


  1. Serve from November 2022 - August 2023.
  2. Attend the Summit (January 3-5, 2023).
  3. Participate & Lead in the Abide Prayer Retreat (January 27-28, 2023).
  4. Choose a leadership opportunity on the state level.


  • Must be a college Freshmen-Senior.
  • Must be recommended by BSM director or college minister.
  • Exemplifies current leadership in your BSM or Church college ministry.
  • Has not served on prior TxBSM Lead Teams.
  • Able to attend the Summit and Abide.

How do I join the Lead Team?

  1. Ask your BSM director or church collegiate minister to fill out the Recommendation Form for you.
  2. YOU fill out the Student Registration Form.
  3. Once #1 & #2 are processed, you will receive an invitation to the Lead Team.

DEADLINE to Register: October 21, 2022

TXBSM Co-President

Two students will be selected to represent TXBSM on the BGCT Executive Board (governing body of the Baptist General Convention of Texas).

  1. Member of a BGCT Church
  2. Sophomore & up
  3. Has ability to initiate conversation with older adults
  4. Required dates: BGCT Executive Board dates to be updated soon.
  5. Those students meeting the initial application requirements will be contacted to give an interview at the Lead Team Summit.
Students will have the opportunity to apply via their Lead Team Registration.

Contact Us

We are glad you stopped by! Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about the TxBSM State Lead Team.


(214) 577-7866

7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200
Dallas TX 75231-2388

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Made possible by gifts through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program.